Frequently Asked Questions
So, you’ve got questions…
WHO IS THIS FOR? Risky Preaching is for experienced, energized preachers who are gifted in the pulpit and want to help preaching (including their own) change in order to meet the moment. We are looking for preachers who want to learn from one another, and from the arts. We want a group of preachers who are mutually encouraging, quick to listen, and who speak with urgency.
WHAT IS THE TIME COMMITMENT? This is a two-year program, meeting ten times a year in person at the University of Chicago Divinity School and via Zoom.
IS THERE A FEE? WILL I BE PAID? There are no tuition or other fees. In fact, participants will receive an honorarium. Along with the Lilly Endowment, Inc., we believe that clergy time and energy are valuable. Each day-long gathering will include top-notch meals. In addition, participants will receive a $500 honorarium per day-long session, and $150 for each Zoom meeting. In the first year, we will hold six day-long sessions and five Zoom meetings.
WHO LEADS THIS PROGRAM? The Program Co-Directors are Matt Fitzgerald, preacher, essayist and Saint Pauls UCC Chicago Senior Pastor, and Cynthia Lindner, Director of Ministry Studies and Clinical Faculty for Preaching and Pastoral Care at the Divinity School of the University of Chicago. You can learn more about them here.
WHO SPONSORS AND FUNDS THIS PROGRAM? It is hosted by the Divinity School, and funded by the Compelling Preaching Project of the Lilly Endowment, Inc.
HOW DO I APPLY? You can apply right on this website, at this link.

Risky Preaching
Funded by the Compelling Preaching Initiative of the Lilly Endowment, Inc. Hosted by the University of Chicago Divinity School. © 2025