
Please submit your application below.

Each application will be reviewed with optimism and grace by Cynthia Lindner and Matt Fitzgerald. We are seeking a diverse group of 9-12 curious, experienced preachers serving in Chicago and its environs. We want confident preachers who sense that the “old modes” are failing to speak to our present moment, and are humble enough to realize we must risk and stretch in order to proclaim the Gospel faithfully to current and future generations. 

While support from colleagues is essential for clergy, this program is not designed to help participants navigate the myriad challenges of the pastoral life. We will focus on preaching. We are looking for preachers who bring energy to a small group, ask questions, are quick to listen and determined to grow. 

The kind of preachers we’re looking for.

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Reference #1 Name
Reference #2 Name

After acceptance to the program, we will need a letter to, or conversation with, our program leaders endorsing your participation. This may come from lay leadership of your current congregation (preferred), and head of staff (if serving as an associate pastor), or a denominational authority.